How to Add Visual Studio Code Browser Preview Extension

How to Add Visual Studio Code Browser Preview Extension

Sometimes, it is hard to switch between your browser and your editor this is a huge problem for people who like to share screens or do record screens for videos not only them but even us who don't do it. It is not easy since it involves switching between browser and editor, so today it will be a history starting from now no more pain let try to get started.

Open vscode

and go to extension or just click ctrl + shift + x

Search for Browser Preview it should look like this and then install

Desktop screensh (1).png

now click ctrl + shift + p to open command palette

search for Browser Preview and then click enter it should look like this

Desktop screensh.png

As a conclusion, I am happy to see this extension because it is going to make life much easy and I am super happy to see what you can do with it and I am posting every day about pern stack and some other technologies. Thank you and have a nice day.